Thursday, December 31, 2020


Maderisation is a process that involves the heating and oxidisation of a wine. The term is named after the process used in the production of Madeira wine, where it occurs while the wine is in cask. The resulting wine darkens in color and acquires a Sherry-like character.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Beauty transformations

It takes so much Photoshop editing to produce a billboard

Time-lapse of incredibly extensive makeup to transform Asian women

Supermodels without their makeup

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sounds on frozen lakes

Incredible sound. 

Reminds me of this guy getting excited over the same sound, starts at 3:41

But this is still probably the best example:
Skating on a newly-frozen lake

8 cinematic drone movements

Tilt up reveal
Bird's eye - create symmetry, gives viewer something to decode
Tracking - follow subject through a scene
Crane/jib shot - emulate a crane, lift above eye level, use slow motion
Pullback shot - like a "dronie"
Low altitude - dynamic sense of speed with landscape rushing under camera

Friday, December 25, 2020

Arctic Dining: Think Frozen Sashimi - The New York Times

"Fishermen and reindeer herders in northern Siberia have long snacked on raw, frozen fish and meat. Shaved thin and often dipped in sauce, the dish is one of Russia's hidden delicacies."
"It is raw, frozen fish or meat, shaved thin with a sharp knife so that it curls off the blade. Hurry — you have to eat it before it thaws for the best flavor and texture, dipping the frozen shavings into a salt-and-pepper mix or your favorite sauce, then chewing lightly as they melt on your tongue, like a Popsicle version of sashimi or carpaccio."
"Its bracing and freezing rawness, followed by its subtle tenderness, distills the wild, blustery, softly lit grandeur of the Far North."

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Driving in snow

Control a skid by steering INTO the direction of the skid: look where you want the car to go, and steer hard that way. You can start watching at 1:29 if you don't have a lot of time. 

For a more detailed look with lots of examples, they illustrate this in more detail in this video at 6:11.  
And in the same video, at 1:52, beware of bridges where the wind cools the road surface from both top and bottom, so it freezes earlier. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Parent's Kiss to remove nasal foreign bodies

Genius. It's such a clever technique because the kid will only cooperate with their own parent putting the straw in, and they will naturally close their glottis when surprised when the parent blows air in, forcing the air out through the nose and expelling the foreign body. 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Actors Studio Questions

Here are the 10 interview questions always asked to guests on the "Inside the Actor's Studio" series. 

The 10 questions Lipton asks are:

  1. What is your favorite word?
  2. What is your least favorite word?
  3. What turns you on?
  4. What turns you off?
  5. What sound or noise do you love?
  6. What sound or noise do you hate?
  7. What is your favorite curse word?
  8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
  9. What profession would you not like to do?
  10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

Here's a compilation of celebrities answering these questions: 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Flex walls and ceilings

Inventive and creative architectural spaces that mechanically flex in response to your footstep. 

This reminds me of the great ending scene in the Matrix, where he realizes he has power over the matreix to bend it with his mind - flexes his muscles and the walls bend, at 4:32.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

OR behavior as studied by primate biologists

"By analyzing 200 surgeries, anthropologists found mixed-gender operating room teams exhibited the highest levels of cooperation. Christopher Intagliata reports."

60-second podcast:

The original paper: 
Ethological observations of social behavior in the operating room.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Physicists in China challenge Google’s ‘quantum advantage’ - DNA Zone

The numbers in this report are absolutely mind-blowing. 
"Pan and colleagues could find solutions to the boson-sampling problem in 200 seconds. They estimate these would take 2.5 billion years to calculate on China’s TaihuLight supercomputer — a quantum advantage of around 1014."

Maurice Hilleman arguably saved more lives than any other single person in history.

One single scientist developed over 40 vaccines in his lifetime, including eight of the vaccines that are still routinely given to every child. He's described in this podcast as someone who just had an innate gift for the judgments in a lab when making a vaccine. 
Reflecting on his life, he said, humbly, at 35:40 "I'm kind of pleased about it – I'm not smug. There's a great joy in being useful in life."

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