Monday, November 30, 2020

Paula Scher, graphic designer

34:16 The design of the logo is never really the hard part of the job. It's persuading a million people to use it. 

39:22 I'm driven by the hope that I haven't made my best work yet. 

Red River Valley Lyrics 歌�~ in Pinyin

"Red River Valley" lyrics in Mandarin

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Solar bicycle tilts the solar panels to follow the sun

Some incredible water art installations

Painting with water at Osaka station

Or watch from 0:33 in this one: 

Intriguing art installation that prevents rain from hitting you.
Fascinating sculpture imitates moving water

And another, in Grand Central station

Sculpture with moving water

A practical application of printing on falling water - a tunnel Stop signal that was being ignored. You can skip to 0:17

Incredible high-speed strobe photos of paired drops splashing onto water. 

A dramatic crashing wave projected above a building entrance.

Some incredible sculptures, not necessarily about water.

Clever art installation that mirrors your movements:

Mesmerizing "Liquid Shard" installation in LA mimics starling murmurations.

Singapore airport's "Jewel" waterfall, especially after 1:45 in the video:

And a little more detail about the billion dollars airport complex around it:

Finally, some good news: Coronavirus pandemic leading to huge drop in air pollution

satellite images reveal marked fall in global nitrogen dioxide levels

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Rechargeable things in my home

I can remember just twenty years ago, I had just two rechargeable items in my household - my shaver and my laptop. 

Now I have





Portable Laryngoscope

Electric skateboard

Drone, drone controller

Bike lights

Power bank for smartphone

Noise cancelling headphones

Wireless headphones

Boiling water dispenser (seriously! It has a battery-powered pump to dispense hot water at your picnic.)

Osmo (gimbal) camera

Solar-powered lamps

Solar security light

Solar floating pool light

Lawn trimmer

Ororo heated jacket

Electric car

The number of rechargeable batteries I've purchased has gone up exponentially over time. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Babies prefer to gaze upon beautiful faces | New Scientist

"[Researchers] showed paired images of faces to babies as young a one day old and found that they spent more time fixated on the more attractive face.

"Attractiveness is not in the eye of the beholder, it's innate to a newborn infant," says Slater."

"...[they] took pictures of a variety of female faces and asked adult subjects presented to rate them for attractiveness. Subjects scored each face on a scale from 1 to 5. The researchers then searched for pairs of photographs that were similar in all respects – in brightness and contrast, for example – but at opposite ends of the attractiveness scale.

They then presented these paired photographs to newborn infants, who ranged in age from one to seven days old. All babies were still in hospital after birth. One researcher held each infant upright about 30 centimetres away from the two photos. Another stood out of view and noted where the babies eyes were directed."

Saturday, November 21, 2020

SPAC investments

"Special purpose acquisition companies" are shell companies offering venture capital as a quick shortcut to raising capital without the paperwork of an IPO. A spate of them recently NKLA, DKNG,. UTZ has made them popular. 
This article offers these caveats to consider:
  • Is the target business established and generating cash flow?
  • If not, does it have a viable strategy and is it positioned to achieve its goals?
  • Will the company need to make major investments in technology, talent or other resources to succeed?
  • How accomplished is the management team, and are they staying with the company after its acquisition by the SPAC?
  • Does the target company have a durable, competitive advantage, such as a patent or cutting edge technology, that gives them "a wide and long-lasting moat," to quote from Warren Buffet's most important factor when evaluating an investment?
  • What are the target's biggest risks factors? "

Friday, November 20, 2020

Types of Bridges, Explained By an Engineer

This is the sort of video I love - going in-depth with an engineer about how they think about a bridge conceptually, what design problems and constraints they have to address, and how the different solutions differ. This video is particularly well illustrated with animations over the images to emphasizing their points. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

How Delta Fixes $32 Million Jet Engines

A 3 million-square-foot facility in Atlanta, where jet engines are disassembled, reassembled, and tested. 3:05 "Light" maintenance takes 15-35 days, heavy maintenance (complete disassembly) takes 2 months. 3:28 Engines require this maintenance every 2-9 years, depending on the type. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Sailboat Designed to Fly

Pretty amazing sailboat design. Huge weight saving by eliminating a keel and instead having an outboard hydraulic hydrofoil generating force like a buttress holding the sailboat from heeling (heeling is lateral roll or tilt caused by force of wind on the sail versus drag of the hull in the water)

You can start at 2:19 in this video for an explanation of the "canting T-foils" that buttress the boat from the leeward side. 

And you can start at 1:46 in this video for an analysis of hull design, with the lift created by the upper surface of the deck described at 5:03.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Ex-Tesla startup engineer is now recycling batteries

After a long but interesting preamble about his history with Tesla, he discusses the battery recycling effort starting at 14:43.
15:47 we can recover 80-95% of the lithium, nickel, copper, and cobalt in discarded electronics.

The evils of concrete

0:32 The world uses 3 tons of concrete per capita per year. 

3:46 manufacturing concrete requires 9% of global water usage

Is concrete destructive

0:26 The world uses 3 tons of concrete per capita per year. 

3:41 manufacturing concrete requires 9% of global water usage

Is Concrete Destructive?

0:32 The world uses 3 tons of concrete per capita per year. 

The Denialist Playbook - Scientific American

"...the predictable tactics of those clinging to an untenable position:"
  1. Doubt the Science
  2. Question Scientists' Motives and Integrity
  3. Magnify Disagreements among Scientists and Cite Gadflies as Authorities
  4. Exaggerate Potential Harm
  5. Appeal to Personal Freedom
  6. Reject Whatever Would Repudiate A Key Philosophy

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Florida Releasing 750 Million GMO Mosquitoes?

Genetically modified to prevent females from reaching maturity. Only 3% of mosquitoes are the species that transmits disease like Dengue, Zika, and malaria, answering the argument that the ecosystem might suffer from the loss of organisms. 

Companies seeking out potential employees with autism

Autistic people can be intently focused for very long periods; they 
have a different way of seeing things, of problem solving. Certain jobs are particularly attuned to their unique talents, and accordingly, employers are seeking them out. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Creating a back alley in a virtual world

I've never really understood what game developers do. This video helps me understand it a lot better. There's a lot of skill in finding and assembling the elements into a unified whole, choosing surfaces and lighting that make it realistic.
If you really want to dive deep, here's an extended version:


The Sisal Plant allowing Kenyan Farmers Prosper

An inventor sells his simple machine to help improve the lives of farmers who struggle with drought. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

The largest medical need in the world.

"No single country has lifted themselves out of poverty without access to contraception."
"It only takes one generation to see a decline in birth rate." 
-Melinda Gates, on

Quote from Warren Buffett

"I'll give my children 'enough money so that they would feel they could do anything, but not so much that they could do nothing' "

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