Sunday, May 17, 2020

Two young African inventor's stories
Where is he now? - Avoidin the medi circus.
"The plan is to complete my current diploma program in Toronto, Canada, apply and hopefully be accepted in the Management Engineering program at the University of Waterloo to learn about data analytics, analysis, evidence-based thinking – things needed in the future if I am to plan, think things through, present cases for funding, support claims, and have successful projects in Sierra Leone.
Unfortunately, the cost of an education for an international student is roughly 60k CDN a year...I now have a mentoring team here in Canada that is focused on turning off the circus, helping me find myself, managing my finances, turning me into a ‘normal’, professional student, and guiding me through this next part of my life. The mentoring team is providing advice, helping me recover…, and some are helping with my schooling costs."

Where is he now?
Right now what I’m working on is to put up an innovation center in Malawi. The innovation center is going to allow people to come and work with me to develop their ideas. Because I know there are so many talented young people all over the world but sometimes lack of space to help them build their ideas, it’s lacking sometimes so I want to enable that, making sure that anyone who has an idea they can have a space where they can think and build and be connected to professionals in the field that they are working on.

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