Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Smile intensity in photographs -> less divorce, long life

"we posited that smiling behavior in photographs is potentially indicative of underlying emotional dispositions that have direct and indirect life consequences. In the first yearbook photos and in [the second study] we examined a variety of participants’ photos from childhood through early adulthood. In both studies, divorce was predicted by the degree to which subjects smiled in their photos."
"causes one’s cheeks to raise as well as bagging around the eyes...causes the corners of the mouth to move upward forming a smile. The intensity of each action unit was scored utilizing a 5-point intensity scale..."

Baseball players who turned a high-wattage smile on the photographer were only half as likely to die during any given year as those who smiled only partially or not at all.

..."A warm smile says that person is probably engaged, interested in others, and in general feels warmly about life."

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