Monday, October 29, 2018

How to Travel the World After You Retire | Travel + Leisure

Look for person to person experiences.

In this age of increased longevity, costly health care, and declining availability of pensions, many retirees find that their savings and investments are not adequate...Chief Financial Analyst Greg McBride of pre-retirees to build travel costs into anticipated retirement expenses as opposed to waiting until retirement to figure out how to pay for travel. He warns against pulling too much money from savings early in retirement...use credit cards that offer attractive rewards. “They can fund significant travel expenses..
Peggy Goldman, president and founder of Friendly Planet Travel...“Individuals have to be realistic about themselves, what they’re capable of, and what arrangements they need. We advise them not to limit themselves in terms of selecting programs — if they feel good and can do it, they should go for it.”
“People want to interact with locals; they want to get their hands dirty in the kitchen, meet people in their homes,” she said. “That’s what is so wonderful about people-to-people experiences and optional excursions. It’s more than just visiting monuments; it’s about having experiences with people.” [for example -] visitors to Hangzhou can visit tea plantations for demonstrations on how agricultural workers select and pick the leaves. Travelers get a chance to do it for themselves and gain a new appreciation for the tea they’re drinking.
Volunteer vacations offer travel along with an opportunity to contribute skills and experience to others both domestic and abroad. Many seniors are finding these trips to be rewarding, and they can also fulfill the desire to interact with locals and broaden cultural experiences. Others enjoy “learning vacations,” traveling for workshops, conferences, cooking schools, cultural programs, or music festivals.

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