Monday, August 21, 2017

Computer - Morphing Studies looking at facial beauty

Beauty - 
Babies prefer to look at faces that are attractive, not just symmetrical

Facial Aesthetics: Babies Prefer Attractiveness to Symmetry 

"Infants as young as 4 months showed similarity with adults in the ‘aesthetic perception’ of attractiveness"

Evolving Attractive Faces Using Morphing Technology and a Genetic Algorithm: A New Approach to Determining Ideal Facial Aesthetics

Univariate analysis identified nasal width, eyebrow arch height, and lip thickness as being significantly correlated with attractiveness scores. 

Johnston VS. Mate choice decisions: the role of facial beauty. Trends Cogn Sci. 2006;10:9–13

Attractive Faces Are Only Average

we digitized samples of male and female faces, mathematically averaged them, and had adults judge the attractiveness of both the individual faces and the computer-generated composite images. Both male (three samples) and female (three samples) composite faces were judged as more attractive than almost all the individual faces comprising the composites.

Beholding beauty: How it's been studied

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