Saturday, November 19, 2016

Cool tech

The Blackbird - a car that can become any car through CGI.

Big arm - haptic control from your arm to a huge robotic strong arm.

Road printer - insert bricks and it arranges and lays them down on the road.

Tunnel-boring arm can be steered and manipulated into the rock face.

Introducing PhotoScan by Google Photos

Because a snapshot of an old photo from your phone has reflections of the flash, this software combined several snapshots of the old photo into one image.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Timelapse: Building the world's biggest ship

I'm watching a show about building the world's biggest ship.

The steel as described by the naval architect, is the same thickness as a beer can if you scale it down. It's designed to flex as waves pass under it. 

The steel, in places 100mm thick, is described here:

It has since been surpassed by a yet bigger ship, though these ships are approaching an absolute maximum - "About 22,500 seems to be the size that people believe is the ultimate. Lack of port access becomes a problem after that stage."

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Haptic Controller for Backhoe

I don't know why this has taken so long to develop. It's seems so intuitive to me. No need to relearn all the joysticks on a different machine.

The concept is explained a little more here.

And the engineering beginner it all is explained here

Interactive Dynamic Video

Making objects come to life so you can manipulate them with your mouse.  All based on just a few seconds of video.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

World's largest container port.

I was watching a show about the world's largest ship, and they mentioned this port. It's built 30km offshore from Shanghai in order to accommodate the deeper draft of these massive vessels. Have a look at this link with the satellite view. Massive!

Here's a video describing the massive construction project

World's largest container port.

I was watching a show about the world's largest ship, and they mentioned this port. It's built 30km offshore from Shanghai in order to accommodate the deeper draft of these massive vessels. Have a look at this link with the satellite view. Massive! I count 65 of those massive gantry cranes.

Here's a documentary about the massive construction project to make it:

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