Monday, May 9, 2016

Fort McMurray: Escaping the Fire

What amazes me is how orderly this evacuation is. A testament to how polite Canadians are.
Look at this motorcyclist, patiently waiting in line as flames lick 40 feet tall beside him; averting his face from the searing heat several times before finally driving down the road the wrong direction at 1:38. Why didn't he do that ten minutes earlier?

And in this time-lapse sequence, it amazes me that everyone patiently waits about 40 minutes in traffic moving less than walking speed, and very few people panic or cross to the wrong side of the road or drive across lawns and backstreets to escape. 

This could be that they were in shock, or underestimating the magnitude of the fire, or they are used to danger living in Fort Mcmurray, or they are just polite and know that an orderly evacuation is fastest for all.

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