Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Self driving cars

Soon we'll have self driving cars. Have you seen how far this technology has advanced?
The stumbling block has been the conflict between human drivers and a vehicle that strictly flows the letter of the law. NY Times on driverless cars
Here's an owner showing how his car automatically stays in the lane.

Here's a customer being given a demo of a self-parking car, so you can see what it's like to park for the first time.

Here's a TED talk on developing the driverless technology. Gets most interesting at 7:51

Here's another presentation on the challenges of driverless systems...predicting what unpredictable humans are going to do. Doesn't get interesting until 5:24 A google rep entreats a city council to let them test their self-driving vehicles on the roads in Austin. At 8:25, she goes through some unusual situations a self-driving car has to recognize and navigate.
Here's a test model Mercedes going through the driverless paces in real traffic

Here's a Mercedes concept car showing off for reporters.
Elon Musk describes the autopilot technology in a Tesla. Skip to 6:31

Here's a driver in his own Tesla showing the currently-enabled portion of autopilot, the cruise control that stops and starts the vehicle behind cars in front in city traffic.


Here's a test of 3 automatic braking systems both against aspired vehicle and a slow vehicle. http://youtu.be/PzHM6PVTjXo Monthly updates on the google project at

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