Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cool infographics

It's hard to make reams of data engaging or interesting; each of these artists were inventive. 

A graphical representation of which part of a city people send social media photos from, with each color indicating a different social activity, from food to music to nightlife. 

Tweets (photos tweeted) during hurricane Sandy in New York, with a diagonal line indicating when the power went out. 

An animated globe with current weather patterns like wind or heat:
Misery index of how harsh conditions are currently:
Beautiful map of current wind:

The color of the sky as an indicator of air pollution in China, with an entire year represented by one ring of the circle:

Earth's population as spikes on a page with no map underneath; because populations are concentrated along the coasts, you can recognize the geography easily. 

The author, who collected all of these does a great job in Popular Science. Katie Peek, http://www.katiepeek.com/ has a good webpage with links to her work. 

And here's a list of her recent contributions to Popular Science:


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