Thursday, May 1, 2014

Anesthetic gases contribute to Global warming

Wow! "Most of the organic anesthetic gases remain for a long time in the atmosphere where they have the potential to act as greenhouse gases. Published atmospheric lifetimes range between 1.4 and 21.4 years for sevoflurane and desflurane, respectively. Various volatile anesthetics have been calculated to have a range of 1100 (isoflurane)9 to 3766 (desflurane)3 times the greenhouse warming potential of carbon dioxide (CO2)...[a typical hospital puts out] the equivalent of approximately 100 to 1200 passenger car emissions/year/midsized hospital.  In more personal terms, one 8-hour day, or 8 MAC-hours of desflurane delivery at 1 to 2 L FGF would equal 58 to 116 days of average auto emissions"

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