Saturday, November 16, 2013

MBNA privacy policy - beware!

Can you believe this privacy policy?? They even reference it by saying "Protecting your privacy is important to us."
Directly from their privacy policy, buried deep under "additional detail" it says
Companies, such as retailers, merchants, manufacturers, direct marketers, communications companies, travel companies, and the like, offering products or services not directly related to the financial product or service we are providing to you
Name, postal address, telephone number (including for text messaging), date of birth, SIN (if provided), occupation, Account number, expiry date, e-mail address,
Are you kidding me? They will share your social insurance number and date of birth, enough info to apply for a loan or steal your identity, to direct marketers etc.

All this from a multinational giant that has leapfrogged its way to billions in profits. Thanks!

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