Monday, March 11, 2013

Fwd: Mediterranean Diet Can Cut Heart Disease, Study Finds

Nuts, olive oil, and avoid red meat, baked goods, soda...

Mediterranean Diet Can Cut Heart Disease, Study Finds

Until now, evidence that the Mediterranean diet reduced the risk of heart disease was weak, and some experts had been skeptical that the effect of diet could be detected

1 comment:

  1. One group assigned to a Mediterranean diet was given extra-virgin olive oil each week and was instructed to use at least 4 four tablespoons a day. The other group got a combination of walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts and was instructed to eat about an ounce of the mix each day. An ounce of walnuts, for example, is about a quarter cup — a generous handful. The mainstays of the diet consisted of at least three servings a day of fruits and at least two servings of vegetables. Participants were to eat fish at least three times a week and legumes, which include beans, peas and lentils, at least three times a week. They were to eat white meat instead of red, and, for those accustomed to drinking, to have at least seven glasses of wine a week with meals.

    They were encouraged to avoid commercially made cookies, cakes and pastries and to limit their consumption of dairy products and processed meats.


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