Tuesday, October 4, 2011

NYTimes.com: Super People

The New York TimesAn article about the expense families are going to to ensure their children's resumes ensure them a good college admission. 
"Bursting with pent-up energy, the mothers transfer their shelved career ambitions to their children."
"Such students are known in college admission circles as "pointy" - being well-rounded doesn't cut it anymore."

OPINION   | October 02, 2011
Opinion:  Super People
Has our competitive society finally outdone itself in its tireless efforts to produce winners whose abilities are literally off the charts? 

Here is the article about kids whose parents maximize their resume to help them get into good universities...

And here is a movie coming out this month that's a documentary about bullying and the launch of a nationwide effort to highlight and oppose bullying between girls. 
They talk on their website about setting up private screenings at your school (at the left hand column), and have somesuggestions on how kids can handle occurrences.

View the trailer at the imdb site

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