Thursday, May 5, 2011

TV shows

Not sure if this interests you, but here are a few TV shows/media links that were worth watching, available online.
In this TV show, a millionaire is anonymously dropped into an inner city neighborhood, and asked to find local grass-roots movements to restore the troubled neighborhoods. It's surprising what local grandmothers and shop owners are doing out of their own pocket. At the end of the show, the millionaire gives away $100,000 of his own money to the organizations he feels are most deserving. 

In this show, a young celecbrity chef feels americans are dying of obesity, and wants to get into local schools to start a revival movement of eating healthier foods.  He encounters surprising difficulty but still ends up hopeful.

This one is more drama and less substance, but its idea is to generate a surprise crowd of seeming passers-by who are in on performing a dance number for an unsuspecting person.

Here's a link to a computer server that plays my favorite songs, and introduces me to similar music.

Parahawking - now that sounds pretty cool. Paragliding with trained hawks that guide you to where the thermals are.


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