Monday, January 3, 2011

NYTimes: Computers That See You and Keep Watch Over You

Computers that detect your facial expressions while you shop, read ads, or consider picking a fight are becoming ubiquitous. "The future of law enforcement, national security, and military operations will most likely rely on observant machines. "
As far as analyzing shoppers, "“You can see and analyze how people are reacting in real time, not what they are saying later, when they are often trying to be polite,” he said. The technology, he added, is more scientific and less costly than having humans look at store surveillance videos, which some retailers do."
The article describes a movie studio distributing a movie to volunteers' laptop computers with webcams as a means of screen-testing movies, scene by scene, using software to analyze each volunteer's facial response to the movie they're watching.
Google 'goggles,' which searches whatever you photograph, decided not to include facial-recognition software for privacy reasons.
Your heart rate can be detected from cameras detecting subtle changes in the color of your face as blood vessels swell with each heartbeat.
Computers That See You and Keep Watch Over You
Computerized surveillance systems can protect hospital patients, watch for criminals — or invade your privacy.

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