Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Portmanteau words

'Portmanteau' words are combinations of two words into an invented, blended word.
Some portmanteau words I've collected:
A word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two different words; for example, slithy, from lithe and slimy; chortle, from chuckle and snort, slimsy from slim and flimsy.
birl (burr + whirl),
scrooch (crouch + hunch),
scuzzy (scum + fuzzy),
ginormous (gigantic and enormous),
bodacious (bold +audacious),
splotch (spot, blot, and blotch),
blotch (blot and botch),
meld (melt + weld),
splurge (splash and surge),
squiggle (squirm +wriggle),
gawp (gape + gawk – Bill Bryson),
mingy (mean + stingy),
wodge (wad+ wedge)
minify (minimum + magnify),
ditsy (dotty + dizzy),
judder (jerk + shudder),
judgmatic (judg(ment) + (dog)matic,
titivate (tidy + elevate),
twiddle (twist + fiddle),
bathetic (bathos + pathetic),
slurb (slum or slovenly + suburb),
bumble (bungle + stumble),
bumboozle (bamboozle + fuddle + fuzzy),
bumptious (bump + presumptious)
galumph (gallop + triumph)
flustrated (frustrated and flustered),
insinuendo (insinuate and inuendo)
peasely (piddly + measly),
compliable (complacent +pliable),
blistery (blustery + wintry),
thin & bones,
explursion (explosion + splurge),
onomatic (on +automatic),
frizzling [bacon] (fry + sizzling),
fleckled (fleck + speckled),
realable (real + believable),
tinch (titch + pinch),
slunch (slouch + hunch),
tight-nitched (tight-knit and niche),
incringing (infringe + cringe +impinge)

Origin of 'portmanteau': In Through the Looking-Glass Humpty Dumpty uses portmanteau to describe the word slithy, saying, “It's like a portmanteau—there are two meanings packed up into one word” (the meanings being “lithe” and “slimy”)

And here's a list of them online:
I like
chillaxing (chilling and relaxing)
glamping (glamorous and camping) - see my previous post
olionaire (oil + millionaire)
smudgimate (smudge + estimate)

And another list
bitini (itsy-bitsy + bikini)
toughiccult (tough + difficult)

And another
pang (pain + sting)
glitz (glamor + Ritz)
goon (gorilla + baboon)
prissy (prim + sissy)

1 comment:

  1. Portmanto words: I, just one of your many readers, enjoyed these lists. Some of these words, eg glitzy, I've been using for years.
    NOte: if you're going to fiddle with words, why not fiddle "portmanteau" and anglicise it to "...o"! -TNE


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