Wednesday, January 6, 2010

State of the Art - Google Shakes but Doesn’t Upend the Cellphone Market -

Downsides to the Google phone Nexus One versus the iPhone:
"...The Nexus doesn't come with any iTunes-style companion software, either. Enterprising techies know about the free DoubleTwist program for Mac or Windows, which simulates iTunes for the purposes of loading up your phone with music, photos and videos. But even DoubleTwist doesn't let you shop the Android app store from the comfort of your computer; you have to do it on the cramped little phone.

There's no physical ringer on-off switch (you have to do it on the screen), and therefore no way to tell by touch if the ringer is off, as you can on the iPhone and Palm phones.

Sadly, the Nexus One also lacks a multitouch screen like the iPhone's. So zooming into photos and Web pages is awkward and hard to control."

Sent from my iPhone

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