Thursday, August 31, 2023

Creatively posing with statues


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Making basketballs 🏀

I found this factory process more interesting than most - a basketball had more layers than I thought. And a surprising number of the processes are done by hand. 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (broken-heart syndrome)

Broken-heart syndrome, also known as stress cardiomyopathy or takotsubo syndrome, can occur when a person experiences severe emotional or physical stress.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Pluralistic ignorance

"Succeeding means a sustained tolerance for failure. "
The Facebook phenomenon - when people only share the good things that are happening on their life. Pluralistic ignorance is when many people walk around thinking the same thing, but believe they're the only one having that thought. It feels lonely because you assume others don't have the same problem. 

Hidden Brain How to break out of a rut. 

Thursday, August 17, 2023

The Allergy Chef

Cute empowering story

How tribology (study of friction) can change the way you view the material world : NPR

Jennifer Vail is a tribologist, meaning she specializes in the study of friction, combining mechanical engineering and materials science to understand how surfaces interact in relative motion.

She's worked on a wide variety of projects, from aerospace materials to syringes to dog food. She has also studied how friction can be used to reduce energy consumption and produce longer-lasting materials.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Why don't jets taxi using a tug?

If jet aircraft use so much fuel idling/ taxiing, why don't airlines tow them to the runway with a tug?

Quora: Airlines have done experiments with using tugs to save fuel, but the costs were actually greater than the benefits.

[For instance, pilots] do system checks on engine power [as soon as] they're pushed back from the gate. If they wait to do the check at the runway, and something fails, they have to tow it all the way back.

I feel like the benefit would outweigh the cost

And obviously they would be doing it by now if [there was a significant cost saving,] don't you think?

Airlines will got to extremes to save a buck, if it is easily achievable. One thing many did that has saved them close to millions over the last several years is to print in flight magazines in much thinner paper.

Towing planes to the runway, for a HUGE list of reasons, isn't easily achievable.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Gulf stream and AMOC

this climate scientist has a good sense of humor and explains a whole lot of weather phenomena (Gulf stream, jet stream, AMOC*) in the northern hemisphere in this video. I think you'll enjoy it.

*Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

Perfect dim sum

-This looks incredible. It's going on my wish list. 

Dental irrigant made from fruit peel enzymes is as effective as bleach

"no significant difference in antimicrobial effect when comparing pineapple-orange eco-enzymes and papaya eco-enzyme to 2.5% bleach. They could therefore be potential alternative endodontic irrigants"

Here's a video about fermenting pineapple to release its antibacterial enzymes:

Friday, August 4, 2023

Recycling poop into soil

Their innovation is decentralized small sterilizers within residences that neutralize pathogens before they proliferate in sewage systems. 
The pure power of poop
Popular Science
Spring 2023

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