Sunday, November 28, 2021

For the Best Boiled Corn, Don’t Boil It At All

This channel is great for cooking tips. 

6:02 boil the water, then turn the heat off just as you add the corn. This achieves the ideal temperature to gel the starch without making it chalky it starchy, yet not too hot to dissolve the pectin in the pericarp making it soft and sticky. 

Perfect crisp bacon every time by adding a bit of water at the beginning. This creates the perfect temperature to render the fat without burning the meat. 

Swabbing Subways in Different Countries

5:34 if we look at your shoe, for example, we can tell with about 90% certainty what city you were recently in, just from the microbes you're carrying with you. 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Vienna's Radical Idea? Affordable Housing For All, designed in part by the residents

Moratorium on new public housing - limiting total units to the level at 1999 - 
5:40 "has led to the result of not a single US county having enough affordable housing for its current population."

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Those blue flashing lights in parking lots, touted as having lots of 

Armed Robbery – security robot provided the best evidence of armed robbery and theft of vehicle. 

Suspicious activity – providing high-definition video and license plate detections for 30 instances over the 4-month period 

Burglaries – elicited confession to...two burglaries 

Domestic Violence – captured eye level video of an assault that was used for prosecution

Feeling of Safety – improved sense of security  while walking to their cars after dark

Fire – identified heat anomaly... thermal camera on security robot helped to avoid a major fire

Fraud – assisted in stopping a fraudulent insurance claim

Hit and Run – helped identify a car involved in parking lot hit and run; security robot data was directly responsible for catching the suspect

Incident Reduction – 20 crime/security incidents per month down to 1 for the entire last year

Perimeter Expansion – extending signal detection perimeter capabilities to outside of facility and added eye level high-definition video at critical ingress / egress location

Sexual Predator – helped issue an arrest warrant for a sexual predator

Shooting – identification of a gunman in a shooting incident at a mall

Slip and Fall – avoiding a lawsuit over a slip and fall incident using eye-level video evidence

Stolen Bikes – numerous bikes stolen prior to deployment, and only one since

Thief – helped catch a thief in a retail store

Trespassing – prevented trespassers and substance abusers from living at locations. 

Vandalism – assisted in tracking down a vandal

Vehicle Break-Ins – 2 vehicle break-ins per week down to 0 in the last 10 month

We are exclusively focused on the U.S. only

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Sunday, November 21, 2021

Biology of: Ant Colonies

3:42 only 1 in 500 new queens survive to make a new colony. 
3:51 some species of ant queens lay 3E8 eggs in their lifetime. 

Can desalination end global water shortages?

3:10 less than 4% of the world's population currently relies on desalination for water. 
3:55 a new method of "temperature setting solvent extraction" uses lower temperatures than distillation requires, and temporary combination with a solvent to improve separation of salt allowing for a "zero liquid water discharge" process that avoids pumping brackish brine back into the ocean with attendant environmental consequences. 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Repair a destroyed car

Pretty impressive rebuild of a unibody car - stretched back into shape with chains and panels replaced. 
This can hardly be worthwhile unless you have wholesale prices for the parts you replace. I guess pricing is probably quite different in China.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Vertical farming

YouTube of how an indoor farm uses technology to grow 80000 pounds of produce per week.

0:28 seed varieties are optimized for flavor instead of weather- and insect resistance

0:40 uses 95% less water than regular farms, and no pesticides. Hundred-fold more productive outer square foot of land.

1:33 lighting costs wennt down 85%, and their efficiency doubled. 

How airports make money - Wendover

Because airport make substantially more from long-haul flights, and Heathrow is at full capacity per day...7:45 it's easier for UK residents to connect through Amsterdam than their own Heathrow airport in London! 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Canada's Northwest Passage

As the Northwest Passage becomes navigable over the next decades due to ice melt, it will be a welcome shortcut for shipping, but an expensive responsibility for Canadians. 

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Cars are lasting longer

2:22 Toyota models, especially the Land Cruiser, stand out in longevity. The graph shows the percentage of vehicles made that last to 200,000 miles.

The Bright Red Mixture is so Effective Against Forest Fires

At 4:00, wow, I didn't realize the red for retardant liquid hits the ground with so much force! 

5:48 this one expels 2700 gallons in five seconds.

Shane Parrish on stoicism

The traits that made the early human race survive on the African savannah are now the very traits we must disavow and repudiate to live a just and humane life. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Shampoo Bars - millennials favorite shampoo

Zero plastic packaging

Road trip keeps you in 70 degree weather for a year

How trees work

4:29 Why do trees only use 5% of the water they transport? To survive:

"To make sugars, plants must absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through small pores in their leaves called stomata. However, when stomata open, water is lost to the atmosphere at a prolific rate relative to the small amount of CO2 absorbed; across plant species an average of 400 water molecules are lost for each CO2 molecule gained. The balance between transpiration and photosynthesis forms an essential compromise in the existence of plants; stomata must remain open to build sugars but risk dehydration in the process."

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Metallic Epoxy Flooring

What a slick look. 

Is human evolution speeding up or slowing down?

3:50 Even if every human had access to modern medicine, relieving generic pressure by showing everyone to live to reproductive age, there would still be mutation through genetic drift - random mutations. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Step-Up in Basis Definition

Inherited shares are assessed for capital gains accrued after the time of death, not on their original purchase price by the deceased. This "step-up"  in cost basis minimizes the capital gains tax for the person who inherits them. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Day In The Life of A Michelin Star Chef

A really intimate and detailed portrait of a day in the life of a Michelin star noodle chef. Incredibly complex colorful dishes. Makes you appreciate how hard chefs work and how demanding that work is. 

It's in Greenwich Village in NYC. 
Jeju Noodle Bar

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