Tuesday, August 31, 2021

India's Perfumers Recreate The Smell Of Rain On Earth

Distilling attar perfume by hand is an ancient and dying art in rural India. 

Tesla AI explained: How lane changing works

In a nice example of self driving beginning at 4:02, he explains at 5:36 if we didn't [plan what oncoming cars might do], autopilot would be too timid and wouldn't be a practical self-driving car."

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Fallibility of memory

20:16 this has really important implications for criminal justice and how we question witnesses how we get information about investigations from witnesses

27:38 The fact that memory often is not an accurate depiction of what took place can help us understand how two people can have very different recollections of the same event. 

29:23 Saying "this couldn't have happened because I would have remembered it" is an inappropriate interpretation of how memory works. 

37:02 making a "memory palace" to help memorize something lengthy

Effective ways to study at 44:54: students can get better at retaining information... the most effective method is taking practice tests, closing your books, and forcing yourself to recall information - which turns out to be a powerful way to remember things you've learned. Another insight: Space out learning and avoid trying to cram everything in on the last night before an exam. Also try to get some sleep. Memory consolidation occurs during sleep and you have to have specific high-quality sleep in order to consolidate these kinds of memories.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Monday, August 23, 2021

The Interstate Highway System

10:00 Glenwood Canyon, Colorado was the last part of the interstate system constructed, and the most expensive, at $75M/mi (adjusted for inflation.) 

11:47 interstate highways have 1/3 the death rate of other US highways pet mile traveled. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Thorcon mass-produced molten-salt reactors.

I didn't realize the cost of nuclear was lower than coal or gas even when operation and maintenance are factored in. Uranium usage (and price) is on the rise. 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Kites, solar cells, rigid sails reducing the carbon footprint of shipping.

Since shipping contributes about 2-3% of total CO2 emissions, the industry is looking for a better way forward. Like a kite from the bow. 

Not very reassuring when the video is labeled the "englisch" version! 
This slightly tedious video describes a kite that deploys from the foc'sle and pulls the ship forward. 
1:10 the kite is steered in a figure 8 pattern to increase its airspeed which increases the towing force. 
It can help propel the ship forward if the wind is generally from behind the ship - at 2:16 I think he means to say "120 to 240 degrees" [from the wind direction,] so it can be deployed through 120 degrees of wind direction relative to course. If shipping lanes tend to follow favorable trade winds, I'm guessing that a majority of the time the kite could help propulsion. 

I think the idea hasn't taken off because it requires 10-20 minutes to deploy and to stow it, and it would be easy to get the lines tangled, or rip the kite when stowing it in windy conditions. It probably wouldn't stow well when wet. And it seems to take a fair bit of attention to make sure it's flying properly. 

My question is why they don't appear to have used the force on the tow line to generate electricity as the kite is sent aloft. This is, after all, the same company that markets land-based kite systems for power generation. 

Also, here's an interesting boat that is powered by solar cells and a kite. 

And here's a million dollar yacht that can cruise at 8 knots on solar alone. 

And here's a massive cargo ship with rigid sails that can be retracted to navigate under bridges coming in to port. 
Starts at 3:24 in this video.

How Covid Vaccine Tech Could Fight Cancer

5:09 when they altered uridine to pseudouridine, by a stroke of luck, it not only stopped an immune response to the injected RNA (which inactivated it) but also greatly increase the yield of protein made from the RNA. 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Reclaiming City Spaces With “Tactical Urbanism”

What started as almost a vigilante clandestine movement has been accepted by city planners as a grassroots movement to quickly implement temporary, flexible, quick cheap changes to a neighborhood to fast-track testing of new ideas (like dedicated bike lanes) and gauging the community response before embarking on a large-scale project. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Word plexer or Rebus puzzle

A brain teaser where words and their letters are arranged in a shape that provides clues to a word that must be deduced from the clues. The word comes from latin for "thing."

Skirts around the issue
Pretty please with sugar on top
DEEF horns and tail: Devilish feedback
Eating out
Spring forward, fall back
He's under the weather
Coffee break
I understand
What goes up must come down
Top notch student
Big bad wolf

You can get a book of them at - 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

China vs US agricultural stats

China has a very similar size to the US, yet half the arable land, and 75 times more farmers. And yet China produced 7 times the weight of agricultural product in 2019.htps://www.insidermonkey.com

China has a land area of 9.3E6 km2, which is 2.2% larger than the US land area of 9.1E6 km2.

the population of agricultural producers in China is 75 times larger than the United States, but China has less than half the arable land available for farming. 

the agricultural sectors in both countries face similar challenges and opportunities: farmers in both countries are aging; farm succession and access to land are common concerns; phosphorus-induced algal blooms occur in both the United States and China—in fact, Chinese farmers apply more fertilizers and pesticides than their US counterparts. 


I have newfound respect for Lorde, having enjoyed her music for several years. She is articulate, composed, respectful, broad-minded, gracious, thankful, and humble. Not your usual pop star. 

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