Monday, June 26, 2017

"Jetfoiler in Fiji"

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Ninebot One S2 vs InMotion V5F+ - General Discussion - Electric Unicycle Forum (euc community)

A very detailed analysis of what it's like to ride two different brands of electric unicycle.

Friday, June 23, 2017

mug William Morris design

Janet Lutsch favorite designs/artists

Art deco ceramics with a joyful palette years ahead of her time.

Alfons Mucha the Slav epic
Giant canvases in a black room in an out of the way gallery in Prague tell the story of Czech people

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Tiny but Mighty Popcorn

Basically a long advertisement for a niche gourmet popcorn, but
-at 6:50 they describe a recipe to serve popcorn with Korean chili oil, garlic salt, lime zest, and chives.

Sounds good.

Frugal science

I love the idea these guys are working at. Great solutions to a big problem. I love the string-and-cardboard centrifuge!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Clever Solutions To Everyday Problems You Didn’t Know Existed

This article touches on something profound.

We have become so reliant on finding answers in Google that we are no longer exercising our brains. 

"It's a grave mistake to think Google can replace your memory. It can, however, complement it, if we keep in mind what each does best."
"Every time you retrieve information from memory, it becomes a bit easier to find it the next time. That's why students studying for a test actually remember more if they quiz themselves than if they study as they typically do, by rereading their textbook or notes. That parades the right ideas before the mind, but doesn't make them stick. In the same way, you won't learn your way around a city if you always use your GPS, but you will if you work to remember the route you took last time."

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Cleaning mold from car vents

  • Enzymatic disinfectants will help kill mold or fungi growing in your vent system, while air fresheners will just act as a perfume. Go for a cleaner labeled "mold and mildew fighting," "disinfectant" or "antibacterial," as these sprays will contain an enzyme.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

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