Monday, February 27, 2017

Cool new Boston Dynamics video

Very cool robot especially jumps at the end...

Friday, February 24, 2017

snail-based pain medicine

You may soon be able to shell out for snail-based pain medicine

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Why I do anesthesia locums

I've always found that doing a locum takes me out of my comfort zone, forcing me to rethink my routine and what's important in providing good care. And exposes me to different ways of doing things, at both the systems level and at the patient care level. 

There are a thousand little subconscious clues that reinforce the daily routine, and when they're missing it really keeps you on your toes to still provide the routine. I guess it's analogous to a pilot occasionally flying a different plane to reinforce their basic skills. Ultimately it makes me better prepared to handle the occasional emergency because I'm more used to being shaken out of my routine than if I worked constantly at the same hospital year after year. 

It also pays pretty well, and I'm not complaining about that.

Re: Oil production costs: When and where the price of crude is making it unprofitable

Interesting article about the complex question of the effects of a low price for oil, and whether oil producers shut down operations or not when there price is low. I thought the magic number was that tar sands are not viable below $60 a barrel, but this article says $30.

Oil production costs: When and where the price of crude is making it unprofitable

Interesting article about the complex question of the effects of a low price for oil, and whether oil producers shut down operations or not when there price is low. I thought the magic number was that tar sands are not viable below $60 a barrel, but this article says $30.
I'm going to Fort Mcmurray next week, so I was interested to read about this and I'll see if the town is busy or not.

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