Saturday, February 28, 2015

amazon behind the scenes The Truth Behind the Click amazon shopping secrets

Spy camera shows what it's like to work in Amazon's warehouse as a picker. A grueling, tedious race against the clock, constantly dogged by performance measures, under a Damocle's sword of being fired if you're late or unwell.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Meet the Robots Filling Your Cyber Monday Amazon Orders

Cool: Amazon uses robots to bring inventory to the worker, so there's smaller warehouses, less walking, faster, cheaper

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Jeremy Howard: The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn

Interesting 15-minute lecture on computers that can learn. Computers that can read, see, write, and learn, and the unprecedented trajectory we're on with them.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

The aging anesthesiologist

Interesting discussion of a thorny issue. 

"A suggested schedule might include no further on-call duties for those aged 60 yr and older, no further high-acuity cases for those aged 65 yr and older, and retirement from operating room (OR) clinical practice (with possible continuation of non-OR clinical or other non-clinical activities, if desired) at age 70 yr." ..."Physicians have a strong cognitive reserve, resulting from higher education and advanced medical training, that may mask signs of early cognitive impairment."... "The older physician's wisdom and experience often compensate for any cognitive impairment, and this compensatory method fails only in advanced stages of cognitive impairment."

"The Micro-cog(R) test in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale test has been used to test cognitive decline of reactivity, attention, numeric recall, visuospatial facility, verbal memory, reasoning, and mental calculation, although the correlation with clinical ability is not established."

[Regarding the 360-degree assessment by peers:]"other healthcare professionals may have limited insight into expertise in anesthesiology"

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