Saturday, December 27, 2014

Why is tropical water so clear?

Tropical (warm) waters are clear because they support much less biomass. 

This is because the higher temperature liberates the dissolved oxygen into the atmosphere, leaving less oxygen in the ocean to help support life.
"The solubility of oxygen, or its ability to dissolve in water, decreases as the water's temperature and salinity increase."

Saturday, December 20, 2014

11 steps to rehab your credit score

11 steps to rehab your credit score, from January 15th Consumer Reports.
The "big three" credit reporting bureaus are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

[Number zero. Avoid borrowing money in the first place. Save up for things.]

Number one. Pay your bills on time. Payment activity accounts for 35% of the FICO score. At least pay the minimum each month rather than fall behind.

Number two. Check your reports by requesting one free credit report every four months through

Number three. Don't apply for multiple credit cards at once. Unlike applying for a mortgage, auto, or student loan, applying for several credit cards generates multiple "hard pulls."[third party requests for your credit score] Instead, carefully read prospective cards' terms and conditions and apply for just one.

Number four. Don't carry plastic you don't use unless it carries an annual fee. Stick the card in a drawer instead. Part of your score depends on the ratio of the credit you use on your credit cards to the total value of your open credit lines. Eliminating a card reduces your credit line and can raise the ratio, which is [deemed] a negative.

Number five. Don't open too many new credit accounts at once. By doing so, you lower the average "age" of your accounts, which can lower your credit score.

Number six. Keep credit balances relatively low. Maintaining a revolving credit balance under 10% of your total credit line is wise, experts say.

Number seven. Beware of points-driven balances. If you charge everything on your rewards card for the points, switch to cash or a debit card for a couple of months before applying for new credit. Lenders can't tell from your score whether you zero-out your balances every month. They'll see your credit score, a snapshot in time, showing that you're charging a lot relatives to you're credit limit, which is a negative.

Number eight. Maintain a variety of credit types. Successfully paying an auto loan, a student loan, and credit card bills over the same period, for instance, shows that you're able to juggle different types of credit, a plus. That contributes 10% to your score.

Number nine. Get a personal loan to pay off your credit-card debt. You can improve your credit score by paying off the score-damaging "revolving" debt of credit cards with the score-benign debt of a personal loan. And, the interest rate on the loan is likely to be lower than the credit-card interest rates.

Number ten. Pay off debt in collections. It's always better to have zero balances on collections.

Number eleven. Get a secured credit card after a bankruptcy. If you've been through one, start populating your credit report with good credit. Secured credit cards may be an effective way to rebuild your credit. A bankruptcy will have less impact on your score over time as long as you aren't defaulting on new loans. But Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies stay on your credit report for 10 years.

Quotation about fear

"Fear is a powerful weapon. Fear doesn't give you the freedom to decide."
from the movie "The Sea Inside" by Alejandro Amenabar
Spoken in the context of deciding to pursue assisted suicide because of the fear of an unpredictable decline in health. But I think it has wider application, that our choices become limited when driven by fear; we are apt to impulsively choose the quickest option that returns us to safety when we are motivated by fear.

Xenon control unit - North American Motoring

Look what happens when government intervenes in how bright headlights are. 
My headlight blew on my car, and when I replaced the bulb it still didn't work. Tired out the igniter for the bulb had gone too. 
Read this informative post on how overprotective the government became when these brighter headlights were introduced. 

"There is a lot of data on whether Xenons blind oncoming drivers at night (they don't, generally). But in the 1990s the Department of Transportation NHTSA was very worried about that, and put a lot of rules in place. The washers to keep them clean, so guck on the lens doesn't scatter the light and make grandpa coming the other way crash. And the requirement that the whole unit be non-serviceable, lest the lens get to scratched and pitted as the miles rack up. Make people buy a whole new lens every time any part of the thing breaks. And of course the self-leveling. Which was there to compensate for neglecting to have your headlights aimed, and having a heavy load tilt the car up and blind somebody.

By 2000 the NHTSA relented on these tough rules, realizing that worry over blinding drivers was overblown. But the early Minis were designed in the mid to late 90s, and so they started out with 1990s style sealed-all-in-one Xenons. But later they made it so you could replace the igniter and keep the rest of the light. I don't think washers and leverers were mandatory any more either, but they kept those around for some reason. Bling, I guess."

The Darwin Awards: sex differences in idiotic behaviour | The BMJ

Male idiot theory.
"men are idiots and idiots do stupid things."
Winners of the Darwin Award must die in such an idiotic manner that "their action ensures the long-term survival of the species, by selectively allowing one less idiot to survive."

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fiber-concrete blocks: Durisol

Dry stack these blocks made with wood fiber and cement, add rebar, full with concrete. 
You can drill them, they insulate, you don't have to add interior finish. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Iridium crucibles

Iridium is the second densest metal, next to osmium. It is used to make crucible for purifying silicon wafers for semiconductors.

Iridium metal is employed when high corrosion resistance at high temperatures is needed, as in high-performance spark plugscrucibles for recrystallization of semiconductors at high temperatures, and electrodes for the production of chlorine in the chloralkali process.

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