Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Trucks on the road Compilation July-August 2013

I don't get it. Watch at 3:48 where a truck full of hydrogen (extremely explosive) hits a car, pushes it for hundreds of feet, puts his hazard lights on (so he's obviously aware he hit the car) and continues on his way as soon as the car finally gets tossed to the side. I just don't understand Russian driving. Yikes!


Russian truckers that don't use their mirrors

Hilarious - at 0:50, trucker is unaware that their load is on fire.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

How It Works: Honeybee Society | Popular Science

"Foragers are programmed to be frail in order to protect the colony: Rather than bring infections or toxins back to the hive, they typically die out in the field."


Strudel scour - erosion of the sea floor by fresh water plummeting through ice into the sea.

"causes scour depressions more than 4 m deep and as much as 20 m or more across in the sea floor below"

They are a risk to subsea oil factories: 
"...warm river water that bores through sea ice and creates a downward jet of water that exposes buried pipelines"

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